The Collège Supérieur de Montréal is the benchmark for professional education in theadministrative, accounting and pharmaceutical assistance professions in Montreal. The College has acquired its letters of nobility through its 55 years of service to Quebec businesses.
At the CSM, students benefit from close supervision by experienced teachers who master all the skills acquired by companies in the fields of Accounting, Legal and Medical Administration and Technical Assistance in Pharmacy.
At the end of their training, our graduates benefit from a lifelong placement service that responds to their availability of supported offers in line with their ambition for effective professional integration. Within the Collège Supérieur de Montréal, we continuously promote the values of, professional ethics and respect for all to guarantee an environment conducive to professional and personal development and fulfillment.
Today, we are proud of the success and accomplishment of our graduates, a success due to the constant mobilization of our teams, the professionalism of our teaching staff and the respect of our values by our students.
Hacque adfabilitate confisus cum eadem postridie feceris, ut incognitus haerebis et repentinus, hortatore illo hesterno